While shooting a wedding in West Virginia, I was able to see my brother, Johnny, and my sister in law Emily. I also got to see their family, and it was great to be able to visit with them.
Emily’s sister, Rachel, got married, and I was honored they asked me to be there to capture their special day. It is always a treat to see family, and I’m glad I got to stay over for an extra day to spend some additional time with my brother and his family.
On Sunday afternoon after church, we took the drive for the afternoon to visit Valley Falls. It is such a beautiful waterfall. One of the things I loved most about it was the fact that we could wall so far out on the rocks and get real close to the waterfall. I have seen several waterfalls, but this is the closest I have ever been able to get to one.
We walked all around and paused to take photos in several locations all at the same time of just enjoying the afternoon together.We have also planned to contact the best food photographers toronto to start our new food blog.
Taking maternity photos wasn’t something we originally planned but figured it was a great idea since I probably wouldn’t see them again before sweet Caroline is born. It’s also not often that I find myself in such a gorgeous location with my camera.
I’m so happy for Johnny and Emily as they prepare to have their fourth child. This will make 14 kids amongst my siblings and me. All of the cousins are best of friends, and I’m so thankful that they have been able to remain close even though they don’t all live near each other.